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I think, therefore . . .

Portrait of Cajva when Design Intensifies

. . . I design. And I did this for more than a decade now. But when I really think about it, it really began back in primary school with a printer and friends who needed registration papers for their scooters. That's how I really started to see difference in fonts, paper textures and document design. Got to start them young...

Later on I decided to follow a higher degree of education and pursue my love for art and design. Luck and opportunity pushed me further and now here I am, getting all excited when I see a nice curvy curl on some serif font.

The biggest struggle was to surpass my lack of self confidence and starting to put myself out there for the people to reach out to me. A lack of experience in running a business was also a drawback and while I still learn, I now know what questions to ask, how to proceed and how to get better results with my design.


In time I refined my process to generate more authentic ideas and to keep my mind engaged and focused. Now I offer more than just an aesthetic result, I offer a well tough out solution which works and looks good. Quality is what I aim for every time.

I used to think that you have to have quite a few qualities in order to do anything worthwhile. I used to think that. Now I know that once you put the elbow grease in it, you develop the qualities. Work will show you what it needs to be done and how. So if you are anything like me, I would love to hear your story and how you became the person you are today.

My name is Cajvanean Constantin Alexandru but everybody calls me Cajva.

*synth music starts playing*


Education & experience


Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

College of Art and Design

Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara



Master's Degree in Graphic Design

College of Art and Design

Universitatea de Vest, Timisoara


Highest Degree of Online Tutorials Consumers

The Internet

To become an expert in this domain is not something that can be taught. These skills are developed and acquired in time and only with lots and lots of trial and error. I'm a bit hesitant to teach and to mentor young people who are asking for my help and guidance to follow the path of design and that's because I know that there is no formula. However, I'm doing my best to give practical advice and encourage them. Finding the joy in doing it and be prepared to invest significant time in learning is something I've personally experienced and so I pass it forward.

Learning is different from education and it is still an ongoing process, I wish to learn as much as possible about what I do, what others do and what we can do better. I have a deep desire to learn more and more not just about the world of design but everything else that makes up our existence.

Portrait of Cajva resting on his tomes of knowledge


A legacy of betterment

If I would have lived one or two centuries ago I would have been one of those crafty people who painted names above the shops, who were drawing posters, forged lettering from steel and created all those beautiful decorative motifs that I'm now so fond of. I don't think we've changed that much since then, sure we have modern tools but the artistic approach is always the same.


Gathering inspiration from the past, I feel responsible to carry the craft forward. That is why the most important part of my process involves a lot of drawings. Drawing logos, posters, letters, lettering, typography, calligraphy, patterns and decorations. My desk is filled with sketchbooks. Inside those sketchbooks, history waiting to be told in the future. Someone's company' had it's first logo designed in there, some brands that might grow to change the world for the better got their creative touch in those pages. Present is nothing but future&